Aug 17, 2019 (Sat) | 09:00 | 10km
3 Garden Road, Central | 中環花園道3號

Thank you for joining!

Photo Credit: Derek Leung

Photo Credit: Lam Lam @ Run-Pic
夏季短途賽事, 予各程度的越野者嘗試 - 起點設於鬧巿方便起步, 終點設在海灘, 跑完可即時海浴, 盡情享受夏日!
A short summer race that allows Trailrunners of varying experience to get a racing experience! A convenient and summer-y race with start point at town center, and end point at a beach for a dip to cool down!
起點早餐優惠 Breakfast Promotion

賽事日期: 2019 年8月17日 (星期六)
起點: 中環花園道3號冠君大樓
行李寄存時間: 07:30 - 08:30
起步時間: 09:00
賽事距離: 10公里
限時: 4小時
終點: 深水灣泳灘
Race Date: Aug 17, 2019 (Saturday)
Start: 3 Garden Road, Central
Luggage Drop-off: 07:30 - 08:30
Start Time: 09:00
Distance: 10km
Time Limit: 4hr
End Point: Deep Water Bay Beach
3 Garden Road
3 Garden Rd
Start Point
Dutch Lane
Dutch Lane
1km - 3km
Wanchai Gap Park
Water Point
Nam Fung Road
Nam Fung Rd
Water Point
Deep Water Bay Beach
Deep Water Bay
End Point
起點: 中環花園道3號冠君大樓
1) 香港公園;
2) 寶雲徑;
3) 荷蘭徑;
4) 灣仔峽公園 3.5k 水站 (關站: 10:30)
5) 港島徑3段;
6) 香港仔上水塘;
7) 金夫人徑;
8) 南風道 8k 水站; (關站: 12:00)
9) 黃泥涌峽港燈維修徑;
終點: 深水灣泳灘10 公里. (關門: 13:00)
Start Point: 3 Garden Road, Central
1) Hong Kong Park
2) Bowen Drive
3) Dutch Lane
4) Wanchai Gap 3.5k Water Station (Cutoff: 10:30)
5) HK Trail Sec. 3
6) Aberdeen Upper Reservoir
7) Lady Clementi’s Ride
8) Nam Fung Road 8k Water Station (Cutoff: 12:00)
9) WNC Gap HKE Maintenance Path
End Point: Deep Water Bay Beach (Cutoff 13:00)

GPX File on Google Doc: download here

三甲獎座 Podium Trophy

個人組獎品 Solo Prizes

Solo 1st place
* ELEEELS X1 Massage Gun
* Camelbak Delaney Hydration Belt
Camelbak Delaney 水壺腰包
* HK Corporis Sports Assessment - 90mins session
Solo 2nd place
* 50% off coupon on ELEEELS X1 Massage Gun
按摩槍 ELEELS X1 半價優惠券
* Camelbak Delaney Hydration Belt
Camelbak Delaney 水壺腰包
* HK Corporis Sports Assessment - 60mins session

Solo 3rd place
* Camelbak Delaney Hydration Belt
Camelbak Delaney 水壺腰包
* HK Corporis Sports Assessment - 30mins session
隊際組獎品 Team Prizes
Family / Corporate 1st place
Family / Corporate 2nd place
Family / Corporate 3rd place
1st place team receives
* One ELEEELS X1 Massage Gun
ELEELS X1 按摩槍1把
* ONE 50% off coupon on ELEEELS X1
按摩槍 半價優惠券1張
All team members receive 每人可獲
* Camelbak Delaney Hydration Belt
Camelbak Delaney 水壺腰包
* HK Corporis General Sports class - 60mins session
2nd place team receives
* TWO 50% off coupon on ELEEELS X1
按摩槍 半價優惠券2張
All team members receive 每人可獲
* Camelbak Delaney Hydration Belt
Camelbak Delaney 水壺腰包
* HK Corporis General Sports class - 60mins session
All team members receive 每人可獲
* Camelbak Delaney Hydration Belt
Camelbak Delaney 水壺腰包
* HK Corporis General Sports class - 60mins session
跑手贈品 Souvenirs
Runners receive 報名報者可獲
* HK$ 800 coupon on ELEEELS X1 Massage Gun
ELEEELS X1 按摩槍 $800 折扣券
* 完賽獎牌 Finisher Medal
* 賽事衣服 Race tee :
Default Singlets for runners

女跑手可加購 Bra-top ($130)
Optional Bra-top for female runners ($130)

Entry Fee: HKD 380*
Youth (11-18)
Adult ( 18-45)
Senior (45+)

Entry Fee: HKD 380* / person
Team of 2 to 5 people
One member must be
<18 years old

Entry Fee: HKD 1520* / team
Team of 4
At least 3 members must be
coworkers (proof required)

100 名 Victoria 162 2019 義工 + 400 名公開報名參加者.
賽事組別 (歲數以賽日為準)
青年男子/女子組 (11歲或以上 - 18歲以下)
成年男子/女子組 (18歲或以上 – 45歲以下)
壯年男子/女子組 (45歲或以上)
1. 家庭組: (2-5人, 其中最少一人需為18歲或以下);
2. 企業組: 4人一隊
賽事規則: 參看頁末 "賽事規則"
必要裝備: 參看頁末 "必要裝備"
報名費用: HKD 380 / 每人
(另加平台手續費 4%)
V162 義工優先報名 : 2019 年6月1日至6月11日
公開報名 : 2019 年6月12日至7月29日
Capacity -
- 100 (Reserved for Victoria 162 2019 Volunteers)
- 400 For public registration
Category groups: (age on race day)
1. Youth Male / Female (11 or above to below 18)
2. Open Male / Female (18 or above to below 45)
3. Senior Male / Female (45 or above)
1. Family (Minimum 2, Maximum 5 persons, with at least 1 person below the age of 18)
2, Corporate: Team of 4
Regulation and Mandatory Gear : See below
Registration Fee: HKD 380 / person
(Extra 4% Payment Gateway process fee)
Registration Period:
V162 Volunteer : Jun 1 - Jun 11. 2019
Open Registration: Jun 12 - Jul 29, 2019
Charity Donation Option:
Operation Fund Support For
PLK Mrs Chan Nam Chong Memorial Primary School
於報名時, 跑手可選擇捐贈予「保良局陳南昌夫人小學 」港幣100 / 200 / 300 / 400 或其他金額。
保良局陳南昌夫人小學, 舊址於彩雲村, 為區內收入較低家庭的學生提供教育. 校舍本身為小型”火柴盒學校” - 校舍沒有操場供學生進行球類活動, 亦沒有活動室, 視藝室等; 學校更是”劏校” , 與另一特殊教育學校共用校舍, 多層校舍只有3層的活動空間, 資源, 配套等都嚴重匱乏
即使如此, 學校團隊有着不放棄的心和堅守求進的精神, 明瞭自身的資源與硬件不足, 在培養學生興趣時巧妙地往有限空間可學習的活動發展, 避開球類活動而集中資源開展了花式跳繩隊、手鈴隊、獅藝隊等的培訓, 在多年努力下, 此幾項校隊屢獲殊榮, 更令隊內學生有出國交流機會. (見本段末詳細介紹)
Victoria 系列賽的核心成員所屬的 FA Runners, 因緣際會與校方有交流機會, 了解學校需要, 過去發起了幾次讓該校學童直接受惠的募捐, 如: 聯繫廠商捐贈電子玩具予校內學生; 將山賽賽事部份未拆的食物如杯麵乾糧等, 轉贈與校方分配給學生, 減少浪費並讓學生直接受益.
在校方努力下, 陳南昌夫人小學終在2017年8月獲教育局批准分配新蒲崗新校舍,並於2018年9月正式遷校。新校舍迎着一張又一張的新面孔。沒變的是那依舊熱心的家長和臉上始終掛着笑容的學生,還有校長、老師及職工們付出的心血和汗水。但現實是, 雖然獲配新校舍,校舍在硬件及配套上仍有不足。與我們期望的, 在新校舍為學生提供同等的資源和發展機會, 礙於財政資源所限, 仍有段距離。
因此我們透過Victoria 10活動發起籌募經費計劃, 所得款項全數用於新校舍建設及學校發展,如添置硬件,改善配套、學生體藝培訓等,從而建設更合適的學習環境和創設更多機會予學生, 讓他們有更大的信心去面對日後的挑戰。
本校獅藝隊於不同活動作演出,如「吉祥金犬耀保良」、「關注糖尿人士會議 2017」開幕禮、「中國香港龍舟總會周年晚宴暨第廿三屆執行委員會就職典禮」,屢獲好評,亦積極參與比賽,獲得不錯的成績。於第三屆青少年醒獅大賽(小學組) 獲得優異獎,於第25屆全港公開學界龍獅藝錦標賽,分別獲得小學獅藝自選器材陣式組亞軍及小學獅藝地青規定組季軍。
如有關於學校介紹, 籌款內容或任何其他查詢,都歡迎致電27599365聯絡學校職員,謝謝!
所有捐款扣稅收據, 將郵寄至閣下上列報名時提供的姓名及住址, 請再三核對無誤.
實際扣除閣下信用卡的金額將為捐助金額加平台手續費 4%.
(1) 將款項直接存入「保良局陳南昌夫人小學法團校董會」匯豐銀行戶口(帳號:848-517892-002)。存妥後,請將存款收條傳真至27999830或寄回九龍新蒲崗康強街30號,信封面請註明「保良局陳南昌夫人小學籌募經費計劃」。
(2) 將劃線支票(抬頭:保良局陳南昌夫人小學法團校董會)寄回九龍新蒲崗康強街30號,信封面請註明「保良局陳南昌夫人小學籌募經費計劃」。

需跟隨已標記賽道, 不可抄捷徑.
跑手需以自身力量完成賽事. 支援隊可在大會支援站前後200米範圍內為跑手提供資源. 不准陪跑.
號碼布必需要掛於清晰可見位置, 以供賽會識別用.
愛惜香港郊野, 請勿在賽道上拋棄任何垃圾. 被發現遺留垃圾者將被取消資格.
除非大會特定宣佈, 否則所有關門時間將會嚴格執行. 任何跑手如起步時遲到15分鐘或以上, 將被視為缺席賽事.
除緊急醫療狀況外, 跑手若需棄賽, 必需在檢查站方可棄賽. 號碼在將會被留記號, 並不能繼續在賽道上比賽. 棄賽者需自行安排交通離開檢查站.
如對賽果有異議, 在該賽事完結後12小時內可向賽會正式作出申訴. 賽事總監將在所有賽事完結後24小時內作出決定及回覆.
視乎跑手狀況, 任何經駐站人員診察後身體狀況不適宜繼續的跑手 駐站人員有權終止其比賽. 駐站之決定為不可逆轉. 如跑手之狀況需要緊急運送, 該等運送需由跑手自付. 大會建議跑手參賽前, 購買包含緊急醫運送的個人保險.
每一組別的頭三名完成者, 將獲得獎項及獎品.
家庭賽/企業賽: 隊制時間以最後一名進入檢查站的隊員之時間為準. 若有隊員棄賽, 其餘成員可繼續比賽, 各完賽隊員仍可獲得完賽時間及証書, 但其團隊成績則不會被計入團隊賽的排名內, 其排名在團隊賽中會顯示為"無名次" .
1. 可接收香港訊號的手提電話.
2. 號碼布.
3. 個人水杯/水樽. 大會將不提供即棄紙杯.
1.如任何比賽期間8號風球或黑雨懸掛, 進行中之比賽將會取消。
2.如在比賽前兩小時 8 號風球生效。 比賽將會取消。
3.如在比賽前1小時天文臺已發出紅雨/黑雨/雷暴等的警告,則比賽推遲出發, 視乎天氣狀況決定是否開賽。
4.如比賽期間遇上不限於上述的突發天氣情況, 賽會可a) 暫停賽事直至天氣好轉, 或b) 賽事被暫停至無法在合理及許可時間內完成時, 停止賽事。
5. 如賽事取消, 除非檢查站人員有其他指示,參賽者則需要回到終點取回行李。
6. 大會將不會為天氣所致的取消, 停賽, 改路, 延誤等之改動作任何退款.
General rules
Stay on marked course. No shortcuts allowed.
Runners must finish the race on its own power. Support crews are allowed within the vicinity (200m) of the official CPs. No pacers allowed.
Racing Bibs must be visible to race marshals.
Respect the beautiful HK Country Parks. Strictly no littering allowed; any runners caught littering will be disqualified.
All cutoff times, unless otherwise announced officially, are straightly observed. In addition, Racers arriving more than 15 minutes after any race starts will not be allowed to race.
Except for injuries, any drop outs must be done at checkpoints and race marshals must be notified. Your bib would be altered to mark the DNF status. Retired runners are considered out of the race and are responsible for arranging transportation to leave the CP on their own accord.
Any protests must be made within 12 hours of race finish. The Race Directors would revert with final decision within 24 hours of race finish.
CP staff would exert the right to stop a runner’s race if the runner’s condition is deemed unfit to continue. CP staff’s decision are considered final. If an emergency evacuation is required, the runner would be responsible for paying for such service. Insurance policy covering emergency evacuation is strongly recommended.
Top 3 finishers of each races would receive award and prizes.
Family race/Corporate Race: team time would be based on the last member of the team checking into a CP. Shall a team member decides to withdraw from the race, the remaining members would be allowed to continue on, and upon finishing, would be awarded finishing time and certificate. However the finish time would not be eligible for team race ranking, and would be shown as "unranked".
Mandatory Equipment
Working Mobile Phone with HK Signal reception
Race bib
Personal Cup or bottle for Water refill. No disposable cup would be provided.
Race Postponement, Suspension and Stopping policy
The race would be cancelled if Typhoon 8 or black rain is hoisted during any of the races.
If Typhoon 8 is in effect 2 hours prior to the start of a particular race, that particular race will be cancelled.
If a red/black rainstorm or thunderstorm warning is in effect 1 hour prior to start, the particular race start might be postponed until the warning is lifted.
If during the race any severe weather condition, not limited to the above comes into effect, the organizer might a) suspend the races until the severe weather condition passes, or b) abandon a particular race if the severe weather condition is going to delay the race to an extent that there is not enough time to hold an event.
Unless otherwise instructed by race officials, participants would pick up their luggage at their race end point if a race is cancelled midway.
No refund in case of any race disruption including but not limited to cancellation, suspension, reroute, or delay due to weather condition.
Prizes Sponsor

Venue Sponsor


Victoria Recreation Club
(Deep Water Bay)

Sunscreen Trial

Hydration Sponsor

Support Partners

First Aid Supplies


Road Marshal / Course Marshal Wanted!

A Victoria 162 Series Race

© 2017-19 by Air One Limited. All Rights Reserved
Email: rd@victoria162.hk