Site Title
Registration 報名
曾於2018 - 2024 年間, 完成任何一個80公里或以上的越野跑山賽 / 超馬賽 / 多日賽. 實體或虛擬賽均可.
Finisher of a 80km or longer trail race, ultramarathon or stage race during 20187-2024. Physical race or virtual race are both accepted.
N80 / 3-day race
曾於2018 - 2024年間,
a) 完成任何一個80公里以上的越野跑山賽 / 超馬賽 / 多日賽, 或
b) 在15小時或以內完成任何一個40公里越野跑山賽.
Finisher of
a) a 80km or longer trail race, ultramarathon or stage race ,or
b) a 40km trail race in 15 hours or less during 2018-2024.
Physical race or virtual race are both accepted.
L57 / H50 / H25
No prerequisite.
V162: 150
3-day Challenge / 3-day Race: 50
L57: 100
N80: 200
H50: 300
H25: 400
隊際賽 (適用 V162)
Teams (V162 only)
V162 accepts Team registration. Each team can be made up of 2-4 people. All teams, regardless of team size and gender mix, would be put together as one "Team" category and compete for Team prizes.
V162設隊際名額. 每隊可由2-4人組成.
每隊不分人數, 性別, 均一同角逐隊際之頭三獎項.
Registration Fee
On or before Dec 7, 2024
V162 HKD 2,300 / person
3-day Challenge HKD 2,000
3-day Race HKD 2,800
L57 HKD 790
N80 HKD 1190
H50 HKD 790
H25 HKD 490
2024年12月8 至 2025年2月3日
Dec 8, 2024 - Feb 7, 2025
V162 HKD 2,700 / person
3-day Challenge HKD 2,360
3-day Race HKD 3,300
L57 HKD 930
N80 HKD 1400
H50 HKD 930
H25 HKD 580
All prices exclude 4% process fee collected by payment gateway
V162 / 3日賽 / L57賽前住宿
V162/3-day/L57 : Accomodation the night before race start
:: 只適用 V162 、3日賽、L57 參賽者 Only for V162/ 3-day/L57 ::
賽前一晚 (3月 6 日週四) 於 L57終點 L5 東涌營地 8人房住宿一晚。
營地離翌日(3月7日週五) 起點 L0 東涌達東路花園,約10分鐘的 B6 號巴士車程。
共 24個床位,數量有限。
Book a bunker bedspace in the 8-person room at L5 Tung Chung Campsite on Thursday Mar 6, 2025, the night before race start of V162 / 3-day / L57.
HKD 200 / bed, restricted to racer only.
The campsite is a 10-minute No. B6 bus ride to the Mar 7 race start point - L0 Tat Tung Road Garden.
Capacity at 24 bedspaces total.
All prices exclude 4% process fee collected by payment gateway
Hammer / UltrAspire Package 特惠折扣
Upon purchase option of the 2023 edition Hoodie, bearing the H6 Kennedy Town coordinates, at a discount upon registration.
All prices exclude 4% process fee collected by payment gateway
名額轉讓 Transfer Policy
個人名額轉讓:可在比賽開始前的任何時間隨時轉讓名額給其他人,需支付 100 港元的行政費。
團隊成員替換:可在比賽開始前的任何時間隨時轉讓名額給其他人,需支付 100 港元的行政費。
距離升級:可在 2025 年 1 月 31 日 (五) 或之前升級賽事距離,需付 100 港元的行政費,及支付報名費的差額,價錢是會以登記時已付的價錢與申請時的價錢作計算。
距離降級:可在 2025 年 1 月 31 日 (五) 或之前降級賽事距離,需付 100 港元的行政費,且不會退還報名費差價。
由個人組轉至隊際組:可在 2025 年 1 月 31 日 (五) 或之前轉,需每人付 100 港元的行政費。
由隊際轉至個人組:可在比賽開始前的任何時間隨時轉換,需每人付 100 港元的行政費。
Solo Transfer: Allowed from one person to another at any time prior to race start, subject to payment of an administration fee of HK$100.
Team Member Substitution: Allowed from one person to another at any time prior to race start, subject to payment of an administration fee of HK$100.
Distance Upgrade: Allowed no later than Fri 31 Jan 2025, subject to payment of an administration fee of HK$100 plus the price difference in entry fees between the price paid and the price at the time of request.
Distance Downgrade: Allowed no later than Fri 31 Jan 2025, subject to payment of an administration fee of HK$100 without refund of the price difference in entry fees.
Switch from Solo to Team: Allowed no later than Fri 31 Jan 2025, subject to payment of an administration fee of HK$100 per person.
Switch from Team to Solo: Allowed at any time prior to race start, subject to payment of an administration fee of HK$100 per person.
取消政策 Cancellation / Refund Policy
除報名時已加購 Refund Protect 外, 任何情況下參加者不可取消報名/ 延遲/ 要求退款.
Cancellation by registrant, deferral, and refund request will not be allowed under any circumstances, with the exception that Refund Protect has been purchased at registration.