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2024 .03 .01 – 03. 03 
維港 162

Victoria Harbour – the Harbour of Hong Kong.

We learned from Geography class that the Victoria Harbour was a result of risen sea level; valleys submerged under water and becomes a natural deep water shelter, surrounded by hills on all sides. Ringing around the harbour, the hills are nearly a kilometer a.s.l on the NT peninsula and Lantau Island; two steep peaks of 500m plus shoots up from West and East ends of the tiny HK island.

And it is under this backdrop we designed our dream race: to circle around the Victoria Harbour via the trails and the peaks.

In our 3rd edition, we continue to bring on some refreshing challenges:

:: a 100-miles course that runs all over the territory: starts with Lantau, over to NT, Kowloon and ends on the Island.


:: Climbs all the highest peaks on the 3 Landmasses: Lantau Peak (934m), Tai Mo Shan (952m) and Victoria Peak (552m) .


::  Crosses the harbour twice, once on both ends: Kap Shui Mun on the West and Lei Yue Mun on the East.


:: The first multi-stage race with campsites in Hong Kong. Load up your gears and complete the 3-day, self-supported race before taking on an overseas stage race.

一個香港, 只有一個維港.

地理書告訴我們, 維多利亞港是海岸線上升後, 山谷變成的深水港. 自然而然, 維港就是被群山環繞的一個海港, 新界半島和大嶼山的高峰都900米, 而彈丸之大的香港島就有兩個500米以上的山峰.
而我們想做的一個比賽, 就是繞著這個海港的山嶺, 繞一圈維港,
第三屆的 維港162, 延續這挑戰:
 – 橫跨全港境大嶼山, 新界九龍再到港島結束, 全長162公里 (100英哩).

 – 一個比賽, 全登港境三大地域的最高峰 : 鳳凰934, 大帽952, 太平山552. 

 – 跨越海港兩邊不同海峽: 汲水門 和 鯉魚門 的跑山賽, 貫徹環繞維港的理念, 橫渡維港兩面的大門. 

 – 香港第一個真正的多日賽! 不用出國, 跑完就睡營地, 用自給自足三日賽的方式, 走完這一百英哩. 



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