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Terms and Conditions / Waivers

謹此聲明本人參加「Victoria 162 維港162」及一切有關活動 (總稱活動),本人願意遵守由Air One Limited及各協助機構 (總稱大會)所訂的條文及規則,並同意以下所列各點 : 本人是自願參加此活動和願意承擔自身的意外風險及責任,並無權向大會對本人 往返活動場地途中、活動中發生或其引致之自身意外、死亡或任何形式的損失提 出索償或追討責任。 本人聲明本人身體情況良好及有能力參加此活動,及沒有執業醫生曾提出相反意 見。 本人明白及同意Air One Limited將本人的個人資料轉交予大會用作賽事用途。 本人於2018年3月29日比賽當日已經年滿18歲或以上。 本人願意授權予及同意大會及傳媒在不需要審查情況及不需要本人另外同意下而 可使用本人的個人資料、肖像、姓名及聲線作為籌辦及推廣活動之用,包括本人 肖像及姓名有可能被使用於大會之網頁、短片及 Facebook。 本人填妥此報名表格即表示同意及確認所有列明之大會規則、條款細則及免責聲 明,以及所有不時於活動網頁及 Facebook 的任何更新及更改。
Release and Declaration
In consideration of your acceptance of my entry to Victoria 162 and any ancillary event or function (collectively "Race"), I confirm to Air One Limited and the assisting entities (collectively "Race Organizer") as follows: I understand that by participating in the Race there are risks of injury, death and/ or loss. I am entering the Race at my own risk and responsibility. I hereby discharge the Race Organizer and any other individual or organization connected directly or indirectly with the Race from any responsibility in the event of injury, death or loss of property incurred during, as consequence of or while travelling to or from the Race. I am physically fit and capable of participating in the Race and have not been otherwise advised by a qualified medical practitioner. I declare that I will reach the age of 18 or above on the race date 29 March 2018. I understand and consent to Air One Limited transferring my personal data to the Race Organizer for the arrangement of the Race. I grant permission and consent to the Race Organizer to utilize my personal information, appearance, name and voice, in connection with the Race in any and all media and agree to waive any right of inspection or approval associated thereto for the publicity of Victoria 162 that my appearance and name may be used in the website, video, Facebook and publication of the Race Organizer related to the Race. By completing this Entry Form, I agree to and confirm to accept all of the terms, conditions in the Official Rules, Terms and Conditions, Release and Declaration, and any subsequent amendments of the Race that are posted onto the official website and Facebook from time to time.

All sub-races of Victoria 162 are ITRA National League races. From Jan 1, 2025 - Dec 31, 2025, run and finish 3 National League races within Hong Kong, and you will be ranked. The runner's ranking is defined by sum of the 3 best ITRA scores obtained in Hong Kong's league races. More info here .

Victoria 162 系列所有賽事,均可為ITRA National League計分賽。跑手於2025年1月1日至12月31日,在香港參與並完成3場或以上ITRA National League 比賽,你的最好三場ITRA成績的得分總和,將自動被計算於香港ITRA計分賽排位內.詳情按此.


Siu Ma Hang



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