3-day Race Virtual
3-day Race | 57.5 + 83.6 + 24.4 (165.5km) 8400m+ | 15 + 24 + 8 hrs
KM + effort : 252
Start: L0 Tung Chung Olympic Trail Entrance
– To -
H6 Kennedy Town Temporary Recreation Ground
Depart: 2022.02.25 00:00 - 2022.04.08 08:00
起點: L0 東涌香港奧運徑入口
– To -
H6 堅尼地城臨時遊樂場
出發時間: 2022.02.25 00:00 - 2022.04.08 08:00
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Race course
Day 1 - Lantau: a Loop in South Lantau that starts and ends at Tung Chung.
Day 2 - NT: Lai King, via Tai Mo Shan to Yau Tong
Day 3 - HK: Quarry Bay – Kennedy Town.
Day 1 - 大嶼賽區: 由大嶼山東涌出發, 一圈大嶼山後, 回到東涌.
Day 2 - 新界賽區: 由荔景經大帽山往油塘.
Day 3 - 香港賽區: 由鰂魚涌往堅尼地城結束.
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ITRA Rules (eligible for official rank and ITRA points)
In order to obtain ITRA points, please use TrailMe App to record and finish the respective race course for each day, over 3 consecutive days within time limit of each day, and comply to the following: nd comply to the following:
- Start on 3 CONSECUTIVE Dates, by recording each Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 TrailMe course in that exact order.
- Day 3 ends no later than 23:59 of the 3rd day since Day 1 start.
要獲得ITRA積分者,請在賽期內,以 TrailMe 紀錄,連續三日,每日限時內一次完成該日賽道,並完成以下條件
- 必需連續3日出發,以TrailMe分別紀錄 Day1, Day2 及 Day3三段賽程, 次序不可互掉
- 第三日衝線,不可遲於第一日計起的第三日晚上23:59。

Please practice Social Distancing, avoid crowding up in public, put a mask on after your exercise, and adhere to 599G Prohibition on Group gathering ordinance and other pandemic control regulations.
Out of Hong Kong Runner Rules - (results unranked and no ITRA points)
3-day Race Virtual is not available to Out of Hong Kong Runners - please register V162 virtual which is the exact same course and can be done in sections.
三日賽不適用於境外跑手。V162 Virtual 賽道與三日賽相同,亦容許分段參加,如有意分段多日作賽請報名 V162 Virtual.
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No Campsite provided
比賽並無提供營地。 .
Finish Prize 完成獎