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Race Announcements 賽會公告


When life gives you lemon, make Dutch Lemonade! While the physical V10 race would need to wait a bit longer, we have obtained permission to host the 2nd edition of Victoria 10 Virtual – Dutch Lane. With a race period of Jan 23 to Feb 22, 2022, the route has a slight modification towards the end from the 2020 one. You’d start from Aberdeen, via Bennet Hill, Wanchai Gap, Dutch Lane, Barker Road Peak Tram Station, stomp down Old Peak Road. Then you will finish inside Hong Kong Park – Fighting SARS Memorial, aka the Bronze statutes of SARS heroes to be precise, a fitting tribute to those public health professionals who made the ultimate sacrifice combating the SARS pandemic nearly two decades ago. Timing would be based on easy-to-use Strava, selfie and web check-in/check-out. EC Healthcare continues to offer a complementary 3D Cardiovascular scan to gauge your heart health, which is valued at $1200 but offered free to V10 runners. Goodies in the runner’s pack and finisher pack include our classic Dutch themed face mask, towel and medal amongst others. And you don’t need to wait long – race pack pick-up and the race itself both start this Sunday! 

山不轉路轉!雖然V10實體賽回歸尚要等待,我們剛獲得了舉辦第二屆Victoria 10 Virtual – 飛越荷蘭徑的許可。賽期由2022年1月23日到2月22日,賽道與2020年大致一樣,由香港仔出發,經班納山到灣仔峽,全走荷蘭徑,再上山頂白加道纜車站,飛奔下舊山頂道;而終點改於香港公園太極園內抗疫精神建築群 (即SARS英雄銅像),在再次要對抗病毒的今日,也不忘當年在2003沙士抗疫犠牲的醫護群英。計時方面將沿用Strava, 自拍照, 及簡單易用的瀏覽器check in/out 系統.  EC Healthcare醫思健康 繼續關注跑手心臟健康,免費提供各跑手正價$1200的3D心臓影像分析!跑手包與完賽包還有經典荷蘭徑口罩,荷蘭水蓋,毛巾等禮物。馬上報名,本週日就可領包兼馬上出發!


[2022 Victoria 162 Update]

Despite our relentless effort in applying for physical edition of our Victoria 162 race scheduled Feb 25-27, 2022, the current pandemic situation has meant that the final approvals would not be granted. We regret to announce that the Feb 2022 physical edition would not be hosted. Below is a list of race plans currently underway:

— Virtual Race: the approved 2022 race routes are under application to be converted into a virtual race series. More details in early February.

— The 2022-2023 edition: Tentatively scheduled on the weekend of Feb 24-26, 2023. There are no actions on behalf of runners registered for the 2020 edition. The entry holdover and transfer policy would remain the same. We will announce the launch of transfer open and registration open period for the 2023 edition when practically feasible.

— Single Day race: It is highly likely that races spanning more than one day would not be permitted in the near future, but single day race could be held. We have applied for a single-day event in April 2022. If this is approved, 2020 registrations can be converted over to this new race.
Stay healthy, and we hope to see you in a physical race very soon.

The Victoria 162 Team


[Victoria 162賽事公告]

儘管賽會已盡力申請復辦Victoria 162實體賽事,但按現時疫情發展賽事無法在原定的2022年2月25-27日獲得全部批文,因此無奈地本年度Victoria 162賽事將未能復辦。目前賽會的計劃如下:

— Virtual Race : Victoria 162 獲批的賽道將以虛擬賽形式推出,正在申請中。詳請將於2月初公布。

— 2022-2023年度 :  明年的Victoria 162實體賽暫定日期為2023年2月24-26日。已報名2020年度賽事的參賽者無需採取任何動作,名額將繼續遞延,轉讓政策亦無改變。我們將於情況許可時,公布賽事報名及轉讓開始的日期。

— 單日賽: 在未來數月,超過一日的實體賽暫時未有辦法獲批,但單日賽是可行的;我們已在2022年4月申請一場單日實體賽,視乎情況發展,如能順利舉辦,2020的賽事名額,可轉用在這場實體賽事中。


Victoria 162 籌委會


[ Cancellation of Victoria 10 - Dutch Lane 2022 ]

As a new Covid variant threat reemerged, all major events are cancelled by the government, and we regretfully announce that we will not be able to host the Victoria 10 – Dutch Lane on 2022/1/16. We will process the refund of registration fee (minus the $180 necessary expense as stated in terms) , and the optional screening fee in full (if any) back to your credit card. (Gateway process fee of 4% would not be subject to refund). Further announcement will be made as to whether the race would be postponed to a further date or converted into a virtual race, when we receive more feedback from government authorities. 


The Victoria 10 Team

[ 2022年 Victoria 10 - 飛越荷蘭徑 賽事取消公告 ]

由於疫情發展,  政府宣布大型活動取消,我們遺憾宣佈Victoria 10 – 飛越荷蘭徑 實體賽將無法在2022/1/16舉行.已付費報名跑手,我們將如條款所列,扣除必要$180 費用後退回報名費,以及加選的檢測費用全額(如有)到您付款的信用卡。(退款不包括平台收費4%)。 我們會稍後公告賽事會否獲得延期,或轉為虛擬賽,將在有更多部門回應後作進一步通知。

Victoria 10 賽會示


[ Postponement of the scheduled 2021 Victoria 162 series ] 

Since our last update in November, we have worked as much as possible to provide for a 2021 event, having received some of the government permits and secured private premises. Despite our effort, the current pandemic situation and the measures implemented by the local authorities, including gathering ban and travel curb remaining in place, means it is still not conducive of practically hosting our series as scheduled on Feb 26-28, 2021. The Victoria 162 organizing committee has decided to roll the series over to next season. The projected date of the 2022 event period would be Feb 25-27, 2022. 

There are no actions on behalf of runners registered for the 2020 edition. The entry holdover and transfer policy would remain the same. We will announce the launch of transfer open and registration open period for the 2022 edition when practically feasible. 

For Hong Kong based runners, we will organize a virtual event covering selected races in our series around the supposed 2021 race period, along the 2021 ITRA-approved courses. The details will be out early Jan-2021. Prior to that, you can also check out the virtual Victoria 10 - Frog Rock race, which is practically the middle section of the N80 N7-N8-N9 course run in reverse. Find out more on our official website. 

Stay safe, stay active, and we hope to see you virtually in a couple months, and most of all, finally physically in 2022. 


The Victoria 162 Team

[ 2021年度 Victoria 162賽事延後公告 ]

自上次的更新後,我們持續為2021年度賽事努力,並已獲得部分官方許可証及商用場所的准用批文。但隨著香港疫情發展及週邊的措施如限聚令及旅遊限制等,目前實在無客觀條件可以確保2021年2月26-28日的賽事能順利及安全舉辦。V162 籌委決定延後2021年度的系列賽到下一賽季,暫定日期為2022年2月25-27日。


賽會正計劃在原定的賽期前後,利用已獲取ITRA分數的部分賽事,舉行Victoria 162虛擬跑給居於香港的跑手參加,並獲得ITRA分數。詳情將於一月初公布。在此之前,各跑手亦可一試我們的Victoria 10 – 青梅竹馬虛擬賽事,其路線主要以逆走形式覆蓋N80 賽道 N7-N8-N9 中段。詳情請參閱官網。



Victoria 162 籌委會



As the novel coronavirus remains a heightening threat to Hong Kong, in order to comply with epidemic control measures, the Organizing Committee regret to announce the decision to cancel the 2020 Victoria 162 Race scheduled on Feb 21-23, 2020. Your entry will be carried over to our next edition in 2021. This is a truly difficult decision. Even though we already came up with alternative route and locations after certain public facilities became unavailable, the safety and health of our racers and volunteers is the most paramount, and given the expanse of our race course throughout the City and over a 3-day period, we had to make the sensible decision to avoid any participants being at risk of inadvertently coming into contact with potential health risk during the event.  

The essence of the cancellation and deferment would be as followed. 

  • All race entries, along with add-on options of GPS tracker, SMS, paper certificate etc will be carried over to 2021, which would tentatively be held at end of February 2021 subject to official approvals. 

  • The charitable donations to our beneficiaries, plus our matching top-up donation, would continue to be donated forward rather than refunded. 

  • No re-registration is required when the 2021 registration opens. 

  • The entry is transferable after the 2021 registration opens by notifying us. 

  • The race pack, finisher medal, and extra merchandise will continue to be picked up at February 15 – 17 at the adidas Flagship store at Langham Place. For racers outside Hong Kong, please provide your mailing address by email and we can ship the pack to you. 

  • Additionally, all 2020 racers can enter any combination of the Victoria 10 series scheduled in 2Q 2020, with a 20% discount. Registration detail of Victoria 10 would follow. 


We will provide further details, including reminder to pick up the race pack, in due course. 


Please accept our sincere apology. At Victoria 162 we have been committed to showcase a grand tour of the Victoria Harbour for the past 2 editions; we are beyond disappointed about being unable to do so in the face of the imminent health threat. We hope all our racers remain active and stay healthy during this period, and we hope to see you in 2021. 

Warmest Regards,

Matthew / Philip

The Victoria 162 Team

鑑於目前新型冠狀病毒疫情越趨嚴峻,賽會為配合防疫,我們很遺憾的宣佈,2020年2月21-23日的 Victoria 162將會取消,各參賽者名額將會延後到2021年。這是實在很困難的決定,儘管面對因防疫政策而部分賽道及場地關閉,賽會已覓得後備方案應付,但跑手和義工的安全實在更為要緊,而我們賽事橫跨三日,並涉足香港全域,為避免參與者於活動中意外接觸到衛生風險,取消賽事是目前無奈但必需的決定。


  • 所有名額以及額外選項包括GPS 追蹤器,SMS,紙本證書等將一併延後至2021年,待批賽期擬定為2021年2月底。

  • 慈善捐款將不會退還,仍加上賽會的額外匹配捐款,捐贈與受惠機構。

  • 2021 年度報名開始時,跑手無需重申登記。

  • 名額可以於2021報名開始後,選擇轉讓予其他有興趣的跑手,屆時請通知賽會進行有關的𨍭名手續。

  • 跑手包,獎牌,以及加購紀念品將於2月15-17日繼續供各跑手於朗豪坊adidas旗艦店領取。境外跑手可以提供郵寄地址,我方會郵寄到宅。

  • 額外回饋: 所有2020跑手均可以8折報名,參與2020年第二季度的V10各場賽事。V10報名開始時,會聯絡各跑手。


對於取消賽事,我們深感抱歉。過去兩年, Victoria 162 籌委一直為將維港的風景融入越野跑賽中努力,本年度的籌劃惜因公共衛生安全的考慮而中止,我們實在扼腕不已。希望各位跑手持續運動,保持健康,2021年度的比賽起跑線我們再與大家見面。

Matthew / Philip 

Victoria 162 籌委會

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